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What is proper (and improper) to post in alt.html?

Encouraged topics include:

Things you are likely to get flamed about:

Although there are many specialised newsgroups dealing with Javascript, CGI, stylesheets, webmastering, questions and discussions about it are still welcome in alt.html. You may get a technically better answer in specialised newsgroups. Many of the regulars in alt.html are also regulars in these specialised groups anyway.

If you wish for your site to be critiqued there are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. Don't get angry if people respond negatively about your site! By asking for a critique you are asking for an honest opinion.
  2. Include the URL to your site! This is the leading mistake people make when requesting a critique; they don't give the site URL.
  3. Include a description of the site - interesting sites with good content give you a better chance of an in-depth critique.
  4. Don't pass of advertising your site as a critique request. If you want to advertise, alt.html is not the place for it.

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